Changed da house,
Changed da look.
BTW, my bathrobe's usually pink
and we don't have a fireplace.
Other than that,
it's pretty accurate... the words above to navigate.
Best viewed, unfortunately, in Internet Explorer.
Changed da house,
Changed da look.
BTW, my bathrobe's usually pink
and we don't have a fireplace.
Other than that,
it's pretty accurate... the words above to navigate.
Best viewed, unfortunately, in Internet Explorer.
I had a weird dream last night.
Yeah. I dreamt I had a really tough time trying to put on my clothes.
I dreamt that we ended up buying 2 houses by mistake.
I thought you never dream!
I usually don't. But last night, I dreamt that we didn't view the house we were buying, and the first house was actually advertised quite cheap for a 4-bedroom. So when we got there today, it turns out it wasn't a house but a helicopter. And lots of grass.
You mean we bought a huge helicopter on a big lawn?
A 4-bedroom helicopter on a big lawn with lots of grass to mow?
It wasn't a 4-bedroom helicopter, just an ordinary one. But I remember spending the rest of the dream trying to get out of the contract.
How about me! Was I in it? What did I say when I saw the chopper?
You said, "It's so cute!"
We're moving today and we won't get the broadband fixed up until whenever. This might be my last post for a while. (Unless I decide to blog during office hours like I'm doing now.)
See you in the new house!
(michael schumacher)
as soon as he realised
that i now can legally drive
a car
our car
(juan... pablo montoya)
by my little lonesome
he has been
leaning over
ever so often... in a confidential manner
to cuddle me as he
proudly names
his wife
the greats
(kimi raikonnen)
WE HAVE THEM! The keys to our very own townhouse have finally landed in our possession!
Couldn't stop smiling the minute the automatic garage door majestically lifted for our grand entrance. We have finally arrived, and we couldn't be happier.
Tony attempted a threshold-carrying-across stunt, which ended before it begun on account of The Giggles.
I have more cupboard space at the moment than I know what to do with.
Ditto for picture hooks.
And phone jacks.
The neighbours on the right have tiki torches and like to say the F word a lot.
They also have a water feature that trickles at a constant rate and makes you want to pee.
The possibilities are before us. We have arrived.
(Noticing Tony's breakfast)
What you're eating reminds me of a primary-school joke.
What's that?
"What was Beethoven's favourite fruit?
It was a primary school joke!
I love you.
14 minutes till the World Cup Qualifier between Uruguay and Australia.
(I figured since Singapore has never come anywhere close to the World Cup, I shall live vicariously through Tony's country of origin.)
But first, a rather sobering realisation. Not all marriages may last.
I am at that age where everyone's getting married. I am spared the epidemic proportions because I've left all my friends (save Audrey who came here) in Singapore, so it's not like I really feel the herd instinct moving people along. Still, the latest catchup sessions invariably end up with who's marrying whom these days. And so it goes.
But this past week, I've come to know about nuptials as new as mine that are under fire. One such revelation came from a blog. And while I know blogs only reflect a very limited scope of reality, it was still disconcerting to know that things can unravel so quickly, so soon. And while I am no stranger to the fall out when it does, it still leaves me quaking slightly now, only because they share a common milestone I've just entered into.
Before Tony and I entered into our marriage, we knew we weren't going to put together a prenup. We were of the same mind that marriage is permanent (even though divorces are "allowed") and we were determined to make sure there were no avenues open to us that would make divorce seem like the best option we could take, when things become hard. It's a huge undertaking, a phenomenal mental and emotional commitment to something Absolute and unwavering. But then again, your parents will always be your parents, your siblings will always be your siblings... so now that you've married someone and he's family, why shouldn't your spouse always be your spouse?
I write this without judgment or pride. I hope I write this without pride most of all. I think I've seen enough marriages crumble in my family history to know that it's no easy thing remaining devoted to each other like that. It's not enough that people simply exist with each other... I want to know 20/30/40/50 years down the road that Tony is still my husband in the truest sense of the word. That we continually give each other all we got. That we never stop considering one another because that way, both of us will be taken care of and loved. That we get it.
I've done really stupid, sinful things before but I really pray that I won't fail in 2 things - my marriage to Jesus, and my marriage to Tony. Okay, make that 3 things if and when children come in the picture.
Now to kick some Uruguay butt.
because suddenly, I'm hearing a lot about babies.
I've barely gotten used to the whole married thang. Being married is still a huge novelty for me... the fact that I've dedicated an entire blog to the whole process should be testament to how novel the idea is. To me. I was dancing down the steps to my front door this evening, still goofy after the splendid Singapore-style rain that came over Canberra (warm rain, torrential, and still 27 degrees!) when I caught myself in midstep, almost tripping over.
I'm MARRIED! I'M married! Whoooooaaaaaaa...
It's coming 11 months now, and still I catch my breath sometimes because it's such an awesome concept.
But apparently, my news is quite
Irwin whom I had the hugest crush on when I was 15 years old, is going to be a dada.
Irwin, who still looks 21. Is going to be a father.
I'm overjoyed for him - and a tad frustrated I don't have his latest mobile number - but a part of me is just flabberghasted, and in total awe.
I know married people have babies. I know growing a family is part of the deal for most people. I know our new house has enough rooms for 2 children, with space enough for my mother still. I know that the entire time we were sussing out houses, my brain was running through practical stuff like
But seriously, growing a human being is going to be a totally different ballgame. And having a third person in our marriage - no matter how nice, as my mother had put it - is going to change things majorly.
And I'm just not quite ready to share him yet.
Singaporean Chick embarking on
Adventure of Lifetime with
Cute Aussie Bloke.
Crazy turn of events officiated
18th December 2004.
Online Communications Officer
~ Accomplishments So Far ~Still Married After 13 months
Attained Driver's License!
Manual one, too!
On my first try!
Found a Real Job
Bought a coffee table
Climbed part of Mt Kosciusko
Chilled with Mum
Organised a house warming party
Good health
Good friends
Renewed relationship with God
"A house is a machine for living." -- Buckminster Fuller, designer/architect/inventor
Check out back entries,
predating the emergence of Mrs Velle