Changed da house,
Changed da look.
BTW, my bathrobe's usually pink
and we don't have a fireplace.
Other than that,
it's pretty accurate... the words above to navigate.
Best viewed, unfortunately, in Internet Explorer.
Changed da house,
Changed da look.
BTW, my bathrobe's usually pink
and we don't have a fireplace.
Other than that,
it's pretty accurate... the words above to navigate.
Best viewed, unfortunately, in Internet Explorer.
After the agony of yesterday, I arrived at Tony's doorstep at a quarter to six with numb lips, visibly thankful and rather sheepish for being such a liability even before I walk down the aisle.
We spent the next half of the evening after dinner and painkillers, looking at rentals and houses for purchase on the net. There's something rather defining and REAL about looking for a house to live in together; I probably had a few Omigoodness-it's-all-so-REAL epiphanies throughout the search, just lying below the surface. We're talking real estate, people! He's going to be my housemate FOR LIFE. That's got to be one of the most awe-inspiring realities to hit me about this whole business.
Both of us have grown quite fond of the Central North area, so most of the searching was concentrated on a bunch of suburbs reasonably close to the bus interchange and the mall. However, common sense will tell you that such areas would be rather dear because of its convenient location. Towards the end of the search, we started contemplating on the Palmerston and Gungahlin area which is much further up north. That would be, like, the equivalent of Yishun and beyond in Singapore. However, unlike Yishun, this area is relatively young, not as convenient, and therefore more affordable for the kind of space that they offer. Plus, because the houses there are much newer, they have GAS HEATING which is frightfully important to Tony and I, since Canberra gets cold and economic heating facilities would be a priority with me. Besides, who wants to cook with an electric stove?!
Sorry this blog is so frightfully dull and unfrivolous, but I fear I might slide into a zone of utter domesticated blissage for a while. House hunting is, bizarrely, terribly romantic.
Tony found a house in Gordon (a suburb in Canberra so far down south, it's literally almost where the streetlights run out) that has a rather interesting street name. Hope this link works...
Singaporean Chick embarking on
Adventure of Lifetime with
Cute Aussie Bloke.
Crazy turn of events officiated
18th December 2004.
Online Communications Officer
~ Accomplishments So Far ~Still Married After 13 months
Attained Driver's License!
Manual one, too!
On my first try!
Found a Real Job
Bought a coffee table
Climbed part of Mt Kosciusko
Chilled with Mum
Organised a house warming party
Good health
Good friends
Renewed relationship with God
"A house is a machine for living." -- Buckminster Fuller, designer/architect/inventor
Check out back entries,
predating the emergence of Mrs Velle
House hunting aye?? I remember the time The Don and I were on a search. We went 56 diff houses before we finally found THE ONE. hehe We knew exactly what we wanted (or rather I did, I dictated most of the house hunting ruse)so we didn't let up til we finally found it. And no regrets whatsoever.. so hang in there girlfren. And yes..its a daunting thought aint it.. livin together n sharing everything. I just hope he doesnt leave his clothes all over the floor.. hehhe
By shsuya, at 3:24 pm
Yeah... I called him in the office today, and the conversation went something like this:
Tony: "I found a really nice house today."
Me : "Oh?"
Tony: "Yeah... it's in the Gungahlin area, near Nicholls. Really nice house... only $1.3 million."
Me : "$1.3 mil... what does it have, travellators or something?! What, the floor moves you to the bedrooms, you don't have to walk?!"
So yeah. Housing right now ain't too feasible an idea. Unlike Singapore, we don't have CPF to draw from. :(
By Velle, at 4:10 pm
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By Velle, at 4:11 pm
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