Changed da house,
Changed da look.
BTW, my bathrobe's usually pink
and we don't have a fireplace.
Other than that,
it's pretty accurate... the words above to navigate.
Best viewed, unfortunately, in Internet Explorer.
Changed da house,
Changed da look.
BTW, my bathrobe's usually pink
and we don't have a fireplace.
Other than that,
it's pretty accurate... the words above to navigate.
Best viewed, unfortunately, in Internet Explorer.
It's one thing to plan a wedding in Singapore when all your guests are a 20-minute drive away from the church/hotel. It's quite another story when you're in a foreign land, planning for a wedding where half of your guests are not even local.
I speak for Tony and I that the real reason we seem relatively stress-free in our wedding planning is that our family/extended relatives aren't in town... yet. That state of affairs will be changing soon and while we recognise that weddings are ALL about family and friends surrounding the couple, I'm confident that any wedding couple secretly swears most of the *situations* that arise are about family and friends, likewise.
I'd like to emphasise at this juncture that I am looking forward to everyone coming in, starting in a week and a half. The fun of staring gooey-eyed at each other as we putter around wedding stuff alone is starting to wear a bit thin, without the hysteria of other loved ones to add crazy joy and excitement to the upcoming event. Half the fun of celebrating a relationship, after all, is the community to celebrate it with.
Having said that, where there is more than one mistress, there is bound to be more than one school of thought in any given matter. I had a telephone conversation and I already have a strong whiff of things ahead. There's always 'the right way to do things', and then there's 'the right way to do things according to X'. And then there's 'conventional wisdom' according to nobody-really-knows, and an expression of concern or mild appallment when the bridal couple does not concur with the conventional wisdom of nobody-really-knows. Then there's the concern about the number of offended parties possibly resulting from the rejection of chosen slice of conventional wisdom, and finally - this part I hate the most - the reluctant admission that it's ultimately the bridal couple's choice. This is usually tinged with the vague and annoying sense of shrugging one's shoulders in resigned helplessness, and waiting for the couple to fantastically screw up.
Usually, what happens here is that I call Tony at work, give him the run-down, he goes "What?!" and I wail "I KNOW!" and then we give a huge sigh... and inevitably work towards giving in to said conventional wisdom. Why? Because it's ultimately easier to put ourselves out than to face the vague sense of I-would-have-done-it-differently and tsk-tsking for weeks.
Weddings are SUCH a joy, are they not?
Singaporean Chick embarking on
Adventure of Lifetime with
Cute Aussie Bloke.
Crazy turn of events officiated
18th December 2004.
Online Communications Officer
~ Accomplishments So Far ~Still Married After 13 months
Attained Driver's License!
Manual one, too!
On my first try!
Found a Real Job
Bought a coffee table
Climbed part of Mt Kosciusko
Chilled with Mum
Organised a house warming party
Good health
Good friends
Renewed relationship with God
"A house is a machine for living." -- Buckminster Fuller, designer/architect/inventor
Check out back entries,
predating the emergence of Mrs Velle
I hear eloping is still fashionable.
Nevermind, it'll all be worth it when you're not just Velle and The Hibbered but The Hibberds. Good luck for the wedding, dear, I wish so much I could be there.
By Slinky, at 5:19 pm
Hey Velle! CONGRATULATIONS!!!! I tried calling you the entire day in anticipation of screaming the "DUM DUM DUM DAAAAHHH" of the wedding march down the line but i could not for the life of me manage to get through ! i suspect you have disconnected your mobile precisely to pre-empt such antics on your big day. Anyways congrats darling..... love ya! Hope the wedding was brilliantly perfect and no one came up to you to comment on your "daring gown" or (i'm sure!) absolutely beaut cheongsam. Both you and Tony are in my prayers.... hee hee have fun tonight and i hope Tony's got his whole dance routine down pat. Its Carol by the way
By Anonymous, at 3:38 am
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