Changed da house,
Changed da look.
BTW, my bathrobe's usually pink
and we don't have a fireplace.
Other than that,
it's pretty accurate... the words above to navigate.
Best viewed, unfortunately, in Internet Explorer.
Changed da house,
Changed da look.
BTW, my bathrobe's usually pink
and we don't have a fireplace.
Other than that,
it's pretty accurate... the words above to navigate.
Best viewed, unfortunately, in Internet Explorer.
It's almost embarrassing to say so, it's a huge kick in the teeth for Feminism (not that I ever was a true feminist, I realise) and my mother will keel over laughing to know this... but I actually like being all domesticated. It's like a switch has been flipped, and suddenly I want to cook and throw dinner parties. It's the same switch that's wired, I suspect, to my newfound enthusiasm for non-stick pots and my latent addiction to Sims 2.
Under the clever guise of 'Ooer-the-Laksa-Paste-from-Singapore-is-getting-old', I persuaded the new husband to invite 4 friends from church over for a Laksa Party tonight. Nevermind that we don't have enough chairs in the house at this stage to seat more than 5 people around the dining room table, ourselves included. Nevermind that we ourselves hardly dine at the table, being more akin to sitting in front of the telly and scoffing down food from a giant white bowl. It might have been a culmination of several factors; it was our last night before he goes back to work, my social bar was low because we'd been wrapped around each other for 2 weeks now, and I really wanted to start returning the favour of many dinners cooked for us over the year and a half.
But really, what clinched it was probably the grand opportunity to Take Out the New Non-Stick Pots and Dinner Crockery. It's like masak-masak - except it's really expensive toys I'm playing Cook with now. And I love it.
The laksa was well received, and dinner conversation was relaxed and comfortable. It was good, good fun. I know I'm starting to nest like a birdie, and while part of me is kinda sheepish, the rest of me is TOTALLY STOKED ABOUT IT.
I'm sure the novelty will wear off eventually, don't worry.
Singaporean Chick embarking on
Adventure of Lifetime with
Cute Aussie Bloke.
Crazy turn of events officiated
18th December 2004.
Online Communications Officer
~ Accomplishments So Far ~Still Married After 13 months
Attained Driver's License!
Manual one, too!
On my first try!
Found a Real Job
Bought a coffee table
Climbed part of Mt Kosciusko
Chilled with Mum
Organised a house warming party
Good health
Good friends
Renewed relationship with God
"A house is a machine for living." -- Buckminster Fuller, designer/architect/inventor
Check out back entries,
predating the emergence of Mrs Velle
I think that along with the need to fing big strong males who will bring in dinner of prehistoric chicken, we've been hadrwired to get excited about enw crockery and having company over, it's probably a social survival thingy that antrhopologists could wax lyrical about.
That being said though, the Sims 2 rocks! My Sim got electrocuted, and she started going bonkers even though she survived, and so she takes out this painted volleyball ala Castaway and talks to it when she's stressed. I love it! When she does this, my other Sim (a guy who reminds me of Joey from Friends) irritates the hell out of her by making 'whoo whoo, you're crazy!' motions with his hands.
Slinky, at 12:35 pm
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