Changed da house,
Changed da look.
BTW, my bathrobe's usually pink
and we don't have a fireplace.
Other than that,
it's pretty accurate... the words above to navigate.
Best viewed, unfortunately, in Internet Explorer.
Changed da house,
Changed da look.
BTW, my bathrobe's usually pink
and we don't have a fireplace.
Other than that,
it's pretty accurate... the words above to navigate.
Best viewed, unfortunately, in Internet Explorer.
Everytime Adrian and Doreen talk about their ang-moh (read: 'red-haired', to really mean 'caucasian') daughter-in-law, they talk about the fact that she actually googled the recipe so she could make Chris Teo his popiah - all the way in America.
They seem very proud of the fact that she made such an effort to serve her husband his Singapore savouries - even if they are totally foreign foods to her.
In the spirit of learning to serve my own husband's needs in my own interracial household, I took it upon myself to try and make a zucchini slice.
Nevermind that he didn't grow up eating the stuff.
Nevermind that he's never even had a craving for the dish.
The important thing is that it has cheese and bacon in it, doesn't involve using rice or noodles, and is therefore a bona fide ANG-MOH DISH. I've also been promised that it's dead easy to do.
As with anything I do, it never turns out as easy as it says in the book.
I had to grate the zucchini and the carrot. Having hardly used a grater since we got married, I soon found that our K-mart grater couldn't grate jelly if we tried. I ended up chopping everything into tiny, teeny bits using a CHINESE CLEAVER. See, even with ang-moh food, I had to resort to using something Asian. Pfft.
But yes, after that was done with, I followed the rest of the recipe, decided that we could do with more eggs and improvised, hoped for the best as I shoved it in the oven set to moderate, and voila!
Seeing how this week has absolutely bombed job-wise (I was just informed today that I lost out in clinching an interview because I don't have a driver's license), the least I can do is pretend that I can fall back on Professional Housewifery.
Singaporean Chick embarking on
Adventure of Lifetime with
Cute Aussie Bloke.
Crazy turn of events officiated
18th December 2004.
Online Communications Officer
~ Accomplishments So Far ~Still Married After 13 months
Attained Driver's License!
Manual one, too!
On my first try!
Found a Real Job
Bought a coffee table
Climbed part of Mt Kosciusko
Chilled with Mum
Organised a house warming party
Good health
Good friends
Renewed relationship with God
"A house is a machine for living." -- Buckminster Fuller, designer/architect/inventor
Check out back entries,
predating the emergence of Mrs Velle
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